Mark D Montgomery II
Back to the work rotation tonight. Time for sleep. Goodnight world..have a good day.
Mark D Montgomery II
MasterOfGames is built! Thanks to @Nash076 for his input!\n\n2014-09-25--MOG Build
Mark D Montgomery II
4 chapters to read for class this week... readreadreadalldaylong
Mark D Montgomery II stuff and schoolwork to do today once I get up...guess I'll go to bed now...goodnight world
Mark D Montgomery II
quiz done..not the greatest results..but at least it's over so I can relax tonight before diving back into the book tomorrow...wooh
Mark D Montgomery II
lab submitted. Just gotta do that quiz in a bit..wooh
Mark D Montgomery II
Turned in my lab a little while ago, did my midterm last night. Halfway through my first Master's class now..wooo
Mark D Montgomery II
Building a new gaming comp soon. Win7 vs Win8.1? @Nash076 @HopeWithinChaos
Mark D Montgomery II
tonight: work. tomorrow: schoolwork (hopefully get lab and midterm done so I can relax for the weekend)
Mark D Montgomery II
now = sleep. later = classwork.
Mark D Montgomery II
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